We put you in touch with rich sponsors who can fix your financial issues
Today raising kids is very expensive and our aim is to help mothers to fix their financial issues.
Would you like to have kids and have no money to cover financial expenses? We can help you to find VIP sponsor to cover these financial expenses and you will have no worry about financial issues.
We connect sponsors with women from around the world.
Sponsor pays for the kid (biological father is sponsor), and sponsor can be co-parent or no co-parent, no strings attached. Sponsor can makes a deal with Cooperation Agency to pay money for the kid through Agency so he can by anonymous and mother receive money for the kid. Cooperation Agency can receive information about the well-being of the child and inform sponsor. It depends on the agreement - the sponsor can meet the kid directly (for example twice per year) or not and sponsor can be anonymous and find out information about child well-being indirectly through Cooperation Agency. Usually rich sponsors pay a lot of money, so the mother will have no financial problems in their life.
The process can be done in partnership with Cooperation Agency (www.Cooperation.Agency)
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It is quick to setup your free account. All services are free of charge for women.